Friday, October 8, 2010

Unemployment still 9.6 percent, despite private-sector gains

The unemployment numbers just released by the Labor Department show that the nation's economy is stuck in a spiraling quicksand of pessimistic news on employment. Private employers added only 64,000 jobs, with the loss of 159,000 government jobs, and overall employers shed 95,000 jobs in September.

This should come as no surprise to anyone! Businesses across the country are sitting on some $3 trillion dollars in assets, but unwilling to unleash this capital for fear of what the unknown is. Right now Congress failed to extend or vote on the Bush era tax cuts set to expire on Jan 1, 2011. Congress left this vote until after the mid-term elections.

Failure to vote on whether to extend or even debate this issue has left uncertainty as what the tax rates will be for the next year. by not dealing with this issue, Congress, by its abdication of its responsibility, will have guaranteed that all Americans will receive a tax increase next year.

Washington just doesn't get it! If you want job growth then start helping small business, who create and employ 80% of Americans across the country. This president and his administration seem to be clueless on how an economy works. It's odd that no one on his economic team has ever run a business, I have more business experience then everyone who advises him. That's sad!

Help small business and you help America!

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