Monday, November 8, 2010

Obama Fears Economy Could Enter 'New Normal' of Low Job Growth

With the mid-term elections over, and the president overseas on his trip to Asia, in an interview on 60 minutes the president stated, "What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high," the interview Aired last night. In the same interview he commented, "People who have jobs see their incomes go up. Businesses make big profits. But they've learned to do more with less. And Don't hire. And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the 8 million jobs that were lost."

If the nation is ever going to be able to reduce the ballooning federal debt it has to get the nation back to work. The lack of revenue and huge government spending is now considered by many in the national security community as more threatening to the security of this nation then international terrorism.

The president believes that more government action is needed to spur hiring, unfortunately President Obama fails to realize that countless small businesses are reeling from his economic policies. Small businesses are over burden by regulation, taxes and failure to get credit. Many of the largest banks in the country are not lending to small businesses or start-up companies.

The president needs to understand small businesses account for 80% of the jobs in this country, you help help small business you help America!

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