Monday, September 26, 2011

Partisan Warfare Grips Washington

As the economy sinks deeper into the abyss of economic stagnation, Washington is engulfed in partisan warfare, with another government shutdown looming on the horizon. Both political parties portray this strictly in partisan terms only appeasing to the base of their party, virtually ignoring the crisis American's are suffering through.

Missing is any sense of leadership! Right now the President has been crisscrossing the country on a partisan trip blaming others for the state of the economy, without looking at his own administration polices, which have contributed to the lack of job creation.

Republicans act like they control all elements of national power and must understand they control only one part of government and have to compromise, but unfortunately this is anathema to many Congressional Republicans.

Democrats, who for two years had a super majority in Congress, and had the largest Democratic majority since 1978, instead of governing in a bi-partisan manner, embarked on liberal agenda which appeased only their base. Democrats blame Republicans on the lack of a budget, but Democrats and the administration have failed to pass a budget since 2009. The Presidents own budget was defeated 97-0 in the Democratic controlled Senate.

This country needs leadership, but unfortunately it is getting only partisan politics from the two dominate parties.

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