Friday, July 2, 2010

National Republican Chair Calls Afghan War Unwinnable

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele is trying to quell controversy over his comments that the war in Afghanistan was of "Obama's choosing" and is not winnable, remarks that put him at odds with much of his party and that led two influential Republicans to call for his resignation.

On Friday, after a video surfaced of Steele's remarks at a Connecticut fundraiser, calls for his removal came from William Kristol, editor of the conservative magazine the Weekly Standard, and from Erick Erickson, who runs the conservative blog Red State. Democrats pounced, with a spokesman for the Democratic National Committee accusing Steele of "rooting for failure."

This comment comes at a time when last week General Stanley McChrsystal was relieved after he and his key aides made derogatory comments about senior Obama officials. Even this week General David Petraeus was confirmed unanimously to replace Gen.McChrystal and take over military operations in Afghanistan.

The comments by Chairman Steele come at the most inopportune time, as the country will be celebrating the birth of the nation on July 4th, and with troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Perhaps if more politicians had served their country in the armed forces they would have a more educated opinion and not make posturing statements like these.

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