Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Republican National Chairman Remains in Post

Controversial Republican National Chairman still remains in post after last week’s comments that Afghanistan was "a war of Obama's choosing", and was "not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in." Chairman Steele also commented , "has the president not understood that you know that's the one thing you don't do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan?" The embattled Chairman made reference that the war in Afghanistan is unwinnable.

Over the weekend Rep. Ron Paul, who is skeptical of the war in Afghanistan, defended Michael Steele’s remarks . Currently almost two thirds of Democrats, and now a few conservative Republicans, are voicing continued unease over U.S. involvement in Afghanistan. Last December, when the president announced his troop surge, he included a deadline of July 2011 as a date when U.S. forces will begin to pull out.

The question I would like to ask both political parties is what does your opinion do to the morale of the troops fighting in Afghanistan? Everyone was eager at the beginning, Democrats touted Afghanistan was the war we should have been fighting all along. Well, now we are engaged in Afghanistan and suddenly everyone wants to pull back.

I wonder if the troops believe America supports them? Both parties need to stop playing partisan politics with the war! Perhaps some would be whistling a different tune if they had actually served in the military themselves!

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