Wednesday, April 27, 2011

President Shakes Up His National Security Team

Tomorrow it is expected that President Obama intends to shake up his national security team by replacing Leon Panetta as Director of CIA, and naming Panetta as Secretary of Defense. General David Petraeus, current commander of all forces in Afghanistan, will replace Panetta as the new Director of the CIA.

The president will also announce a new ambassador in Afghanistan by replacing current Ambassador Karl Eikenberry, who has had a tenuous time as ambassador with Ryan Crocker. Ryan Crocker served as ambassador to Iraq during the surge strategy implemented by the Bush administration, and worked effectively alongside Gen. Petraeus in stabilizing Iraq.

General John Allen, Deputy at U.S. Central Command, is the likely replacement for Gen.Petraeus in commanding all forces in Afghanistan.

The last change of the president's national security team is who will replace Admiral Mike Mullen, it looks like the president is leaning toward Gen. Cartwright, currently the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General Raymond Odierno, who served under Gen. Petraeus in Iraq, is the likely choice for Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

This comes at a crucial time for the president as U.S. forces are slated to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan at the end of July.

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