Friday, April 1, 2011

Unemployment Drops to 8.8% as Economic Growth Remains Steady

The Labor Department reported today, that the nation's unemployment rate dropped to 8.8% for the month of March. Employers added 216,000 jobs, this after the revised gains of 194,000 jobs added in February.

This report by the Labor Department is a good sign that the nation's economy is starting improve, but there are some troubling signs ahead. The full impact of rising fuel, and food prices, coupled with the fact the Federal reserve will end its policy of pumping $600 billion dollars into the nation's economy to jump start the fragile recovery will surly have an impact on the situation. The ongoing crisis in Washington over the Federal debt will undoubtedly factor in as well.

By summer we should have a better gauge of the impact of these factors and then we will have a clearer picture of the strength of our nation's economy.

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