Friday, October 7, 2011

103,000 Jobs Created in September, Unemployment Rate Stays at 9.1%

The Labor Department announced today that the economy created 103,000 jobs, and the prior two months were revised upward. Half of the jobs created were a result of striking Verizon workers returning back to work.

This report is better than most economists had predicted, but nowhere near the number of jobs needed for the economy to begin reducing the persistent high unemployment rate. The nation's economy has to begin creating at least 150,000 jobs a month, just to keep up with population growth.

The President has been crisscrossing the country trying to gather support for his job plan, unfortunately the attention has been focused on Republican opposition, but many Democrats oppose this job proposal, including many Senate Democrats.

The real opposition to sustained job growth is fear, which has permeated through businesses across the country. Businesses will not begin to hire until they know what their tax rates will be, unsure of what regulations will come out of Washington, and only beginning to feel the effects of health care reform.

Fear has gripped this economy and will only end after the 2012 Presidential election

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