Wednesday, October 12, 2011

U.S. Uncovers Iranian Terror Plot

This reads like a Hollywood movie, unfortunately this is reality. The U.S. uncovered a terror plot orchestrated by Iran, where individuals linked to Quds Force, part of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, tried to pay the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas, to bomb the Israeli and Saudi Embassy in Washington.

The same plotters also were aiming to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States. The plan never progressed as the suspects were dealing with an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

In the coming day's more details will be unveiled on the complexities and scope of this attempt to launch terror attacks in the United States. The real question has to be addressed, when will the U.S. realize that the policy of engagement, and the administrations Iranian policy are not working.

The administration came into office stating, if the Iranian leadership unclench their fists, we will open our hands. Since 2009, the Iranian government has had the blood of Americans on its hands in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus the continued progress of obtaining nuclear weapons. What will happen if Iran obtains a nuclear weapon?

The time has come for a different Iranian strategy!

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