Thursday, July 25, 2013

CEO of Military Briefing Book Returns from Afghanistan

Its been awhile since my last post, but just wanting to let everyone know I have returned from Afghanistan and have been released from active duty.  Thank you to everyone for all the support you have given all those serving in harms way. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

CEO of Military Briefing Book Reports From Afghanistan

It's been awhile since my last post, but as many of you know I am currently in Afghanistan serving with the Marines. Periodically, I will let everyone know how I am doing and what is going on, but it will also depend on my schedule. Just continue to support the efforts of the military and all the good work they are doing. Thanks for your support!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Libyan PM States Gaddafi is Dead

After months of fighting, today the Libyan Prime Minister announced that Moammar Gaddafi is now dead. Rebel forces overran the last stronghold of forces loyal to Gaddafi, and in the ensuing battle the long time Libyan leader was killed.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

U.S. Uncovers Iranian Terror Plot

This reads like a Hollywood movie, unfortunately this is reality. The U.S. uncovered a terror plot orchestrated by Iran, where individuals linked to Quds Force, part of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, tried to pay the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas, to bomb the Israeli and Saudi Embassy in Washington.

The same plotters also were aiming to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States. The plan never progressed as the suspects were dealing with an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration.

In the coming day's more details will be unveiled on the complexities and scope of this attempt to launch terror attacks in the United States. The real question has to be addressed, when will the U.S. realize that the policy of engagement, and the administrations Iranian policy are not working.

The administration came into office stating, if the Iranian leadership unclench their fists, we will open our hands. Since 2009, the Iranian government has had the blood of Americans on its hands in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus the continued progress of obtaining nuclear weapons. What will happen if Iran obtains a nuclear weapon?

The time has come for a different Iranian strategy!

Friday, October 7, 2011

103,000 Jobs Created in September, Unemployment Rate Stays at 9.1%

The Labor Department announced today that the economy created 103,000 jobs, and the prior two months were revised upward. Half of the jobs created were a result of striking Verizon workers returning back to work.

This report is better than most economists had predicted, but nowhere near the number of jobs needed for the economy to begin reducing the persistent high unemployment rate. The nation's economy has to begin creating at least 150,000 jobs a month, just to keep up with population growth.

The President has been crisscrossing the country trying to gather support for his job plan, unfortunately the attention has been focused on Republican opposition, but many Democrats oppose this job proposal, including many Senate Democrats.

The real opposition to sustained job growth is fear, which has permeated through businesses across the country. Businesses will not begin to hire until they know what their tax rates will be, unsure of what regulations will come out of Washington, and only beginning to feel the effects of health care reform.

Fear has gripped this economy and will only end after the 2012 Presidential election

Monday, October 3, 2011

CEO of Military Briefing Book Set to Deploy to Afghanistan

CEO of Military Briefing Book, John Ubaldi will begin a deployment to Afghanistan with the United States Marine Corps in support of U.S. military operations. Previously John had served in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mr. Ubaldi plans on sending periodic emails and updates on his personal time while in Afghanistan.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Partisan Warfare Grips Washington

As the economy sinks deeper into the abyss of economic stagnation, Washington is engulfed in partisan warfare, with another government shutdown looming on the horizon. Both political parties portray this strictly in partisan terms only appeasing to the base of their party, virtually ignoring the crisis American's are suffering through.

Missing is any sense of leadership! Right now the President has been crisscrossing the country on a partisan trip blaming others for the state of the economy, without looking at his own administration polices, which have contributed to the lack of job creation.

Republicans act like they control all elements of national power and must understand they control only one part of government and have to compromise, but unfortunately this is anathema to many Congressional Republicans.

Democrats, who for two years had a super majority in Congress, and had the largest Democratic majority since 1978, instead of governing in a bi-partisan manner, embarked on liberal agenda which appeased only their base. Democrats blame Republicans on the lack of a budget, but Democrats and the administration have failed to pass a budget since 2009. The Presidents own budget was defeated 97-0 in the Democratic controlled Senate.

This country needs leadership, but unfortunately it is getting only partisan politics from the two dominate parties.