Monday, February 14, 2011

President Unveils $3.7 Trillion Dollar Budget

Today, President Obama released his budget for fiscal year 2012, which would have the government spending $3.7 trillion dollars, eliminating 200 different federal programs, with key investments in education, transportation and research. The president plans on paying for his budget priorities with almost an additional $1.6 trillion in taxes, mainly on the wealthy and businesses.

The president faces challenges from congressional Republicans and from members of his own party, and it's interesting to note that Washington is currently operating under continued budget resolution to keep the government operating. This after Democrats who controlled Congress, Senate and the Executive branch, failed to pass any budget appropriation bills last year.

This budget submitted today by the president still fails to address the enormous federal debt, as both political parties still have not come to grips with entitlement reform. Each party is waiting for the other too act on the third rail of politics and not touch Medicare and Social Security.

Too bad both parties have failed in leadership, not excluding the president. We need a leader, but all we have got is a partisan politician, I guess this is what change we can believe in!

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