Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Real Threat to U.S. Security; the National Debt

The real threat to the nation's security is not from any outside force, and the U.S. still faces threats from international terrorism, but our real threat is the national debt. Monday, the president unveiled his fiscal 2012 budget, and with it failed to address entitlement reform. The president punted the ball when it came to the tough choice. Republicans have stated that they will unveil their version of a budget in April, and it will have entitlement reform in it. I am not holding my breath.

Both political parties are playing election politics as all eyes are on the 2012 presidential election. Neither party wants to address the issue, because as soon as they do, opposition to entitlement reform becomes heated and intense. The cancer of fiscal irresponsibility has now spread to the states who are wallowing in red ink and facing protest over how reductions should be made.

Today, protests are happening in Wisconsin, whose governor it trying to rein in spending by reducing the budget for public employee's. If you look at the states with the largest budget debt, you will find massive abuse of spending which many public employee's have benefited from. One only has to look at California!

If the nation is to remain economically secure, it has to live within its means and revive the economy. Washington, as well as the individual states, had better heed this warning!

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