Thursday, March 17, 2011

General Petraeus Reveals Son Served in Afghanistan

In his testimony before the House Armed Services Committee, General David Petraeus revealed that his son had served in Afghanistan. In response to a question from a member of the committee, Gen. Petraeus replied: " I may not be at this table, probably won't be, in 2015, but I'll tell you that my son is in uniform, an Lieutenant Petraeus just completed a tour in Afghanistan, which thankfully we were able to keep very quite, and left in November after serving as an infantry platoon leader."

Many have begun to question U.S. continued presence in Afghanistan and polls have shown that large segment of the population in the United States believe it's time to pull out.

General Petraeus believes in the mission, and why the U.S. continued presence is necessary, but more to the point- his son had served last year in harm's way in Afghanistan. He easily could have influenced a far different assignment for his son then serving in a front line infantry role, as his son served as a member of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team.

One has to remember that many of our senior military leaders have had son's serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Lt. Gen John Kelly lost his son in Afghanistan last year.

Many of our military leaders know what sacrifice means and live it each and every day, many times knowing that their son's are in harm's way implementing their military strategy, fully aware that they could lose their life.

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