Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mexican President Felipe Calderon Visits Washington

For the next two days, Mexican President Felipe Calderon will be visiting Washington to meet with President Obama and discuss many important issues facing the two countries. High on the list will be immigration. The last time President Calderon visited Washington was the height of Arizona's controversial immigration reform measure.

While President Calderon was in Washington last year he lambasted Arizona's immigration measure and the president & Congress stood silent. Nothing was mentioned about Mexico's own immigration policies, which treats it as a criminal offense and routinely cited by human rights groups for abusing migrants from Central America.

Will the president take President Calderon to task by asking what is Mexico doing to help its own people? Currently there is no impetus for Mexico to stop the flow of immigrants to the United States, for them its a steady source of revenue. After oil, money that flows back from immigrants in the United States is the second largest revenue source for the Mexican government. Why would they want to stop this revenue stream?

It will be interesting to see what the president says when meeting with President Calderon, but my guess is he will do nothing, as he is gearing up for re-election and wants the support of Hispanics in the 2012 election.

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