Monday, March 28, 2011

President to Address the Nation Tonight Regarding Libya

Tonight, President Obama will speak to the nation in a nationally televised address regarding the use of American military as it enforces the U.N. no-fly zone over Libya. This will be the first time the president has spoken directly to the American people since combat operations began over Libya little more than a week ago.

The United Nations Security Council authorized a no-fly zone over Libya in response to Col. Muammar Gaddafi's attack on his own civilian population and on rebel forces. U.S. and N.A.T.O. began military operations, by attacking Libyan military positions and supporting Libyan rebels.

The president faces an American population who are skeptical over another conflict in a Muslim country, especially one that has begun with dubious strategic goals. Since the crisis began in Libya, the administration has sent out confusing signals on the strategic rational of U.S. policy.

The president needs to firmly address strategic goals the U.S. is trying to pursue in Libya. Why did the U.S. intervene in Libya? Are we trying to remove Gaddafi, if not then at what scenario will we accept to see him remain in power? Remember, this is after the president and his administration stated Gaddafi must go.

Who are the rebels? If the rebels force the ouster of Gaddafi, who will govern the country? Will the U.S. support this new effort, or will the U.S. be forced to intervene to establish a government in Libya? What is the U.S. strategy in the broader Middle East?

There are numerous unanswered questions that the president will have to address tonight. Tune in, it promises to be a good show ether way.

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