Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Paralyzes Whitehouse

Both political parties have jumped and been exacerbated by the futile attempt by the Obama Administration to get a handle on the largest oil spill in U.S. history. The conflicting information by Administration officials have left the public confused and bewildered on who is in charge and what the federal government is doing to mitigate the environmental damage to include how it plans to plug the ruptured oil leak.

No one expects the President to plug the leak himself or that the federal government has the equipment or expertise to stop this massive disaster. The president could have taken the crisis more seriously; it wasn’t until nine days after the explosion on the oil platform that killed eleven workers did the president even begin to take notice.

More effort by the administration to contain the leak from causing enormous environmental damage could have taken place. Currently who is in charge of this effort? Right now you have the Commandant of the Coast Guard, Secretary of the Interior and various other individuals speaking on this disaster, but there is not one person that you can say is leading the efforts in a coordinated manner.

The criticism of British Petroleum is justified and they should pay for all the cleanup efforts but some of the other comments made by various officials are unwarranted. Some have stated that BP is dragging its feet or not doing enough is way off base. It’s in BP interest to get this fixed now and clean up the oil spill to avoid expensive litigation later. The longer this persists the effects on BP continue to exacerbate its future as a company.

Rhetoric on both sides needs to be toned tone and the administration needs to start taking a more proactive role in the largest oil spill in U.S. history or face the wrath as an inept administration that makes the Bush Administration look like competent in its response to Hurricane Katrina.

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