Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Voters Disgusted with Status Quo

You can see why voters are disgusted with both political parties and the Washington establishment after last night’s election results. It doesn’t matter if the results went your way or not but the telling part of it was when both parties state that this was good for the Democratic Party or Republican Party. What about what’s good for the American people!

The problem with America is both political parties have bankrupted this country and both political parties are whats wrong with this country! America needs to stop listening to snake oil salesman and start asking tough questions on how they plan on fixing the country.

Both parties are controlled by special interests groups! Organized labor has a vice grip on the Democratic establishment and corporate America has their clutches on the Republican establishment.

It’s time for ordinary Americans to take back their country and start understanding what the issues are. Too often we let pundits tell us how we should think and vote without reading for ourselves what is really going on.

If we want to take back our country we need to be informed, if not then we have ourselves to blame!

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