Monday, May 3, 2010

What’s Mexico Role on Immigration?

The immigration law that passed in Arizona set off a firestorm in the United States and focused the need for comprehensive immigration reform. The only problem with the entire argument on immigration that has been left out of the debate is what role does Mexico play in this?

If one studies the history of immigration you will find it was predicated on internal factors in ones country of origin. Persecutions or a desire for a better life led many to the U.S., my own father is a case in point as he immigrated here after the devastation of Europe inflicted by World War II.

Current immigrants continue to stream into America, with many coming from regions or areas of the world that have been different in the past. Few are coming from Western Europe, but we still see those hailing from Eastern European countries.

The vast amount of immigrants now come to America from Latin America because of the same reasons that drove millions before ; political oppression, economic opportunities, and finally stagnation of corruption in one’s own country.

If we are truly going to have immigration reform Mexico has to be part of the equation. Mexico complains how we treat those heading north, but what has Mexico done to improve the life’s of the ordinary Mexican people.

Mexico doesn’t care all they want is more people fleeing north as the second largest revenue source for Mexico after oil is immigrant money flowing back from the United States. Why would Mexico want to stop this trend?

If Mexico ends the massive corruption that permeates throughout the country, ends the abuse of its own citizens, ends the culture of economic enslavement in poverty, ends the violence which engulfs various regions then people will feel secure in their own country.

It’s easy to blame America for one’s own failure the real fault is what Mexico doing to its own people!

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