Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Who’s Read Arizona Immigration Law?

The recent passage of Arizona’s immigration law has stirred passion on both sides, but the real failure in the debate on this recent immigration law is members of the Obama Administration having never read the bill.

In the past weeks Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, and the State Department spokesman have been before Congress or interviewed by media affiliates, each time they were asked have you read Arizona immigration law? Each time they stated no! Even the president spoke at a campaign rally and gave a false statement of what is in the bill that proved to be untrue.

If our elected officials don’t take the time to read the bill but make statements against it you wonder why there is so much misleading information and downright hostility on immigration. It’s appalling that the top law enforcement officer in the nation hasn’t read it or the one who protects the border hasn’t read it, even after it passed weeks ago.

It doesn’t matter where you stand on immigration reform, but before you condemn something take the time to read what it states. The credibility of this administration has been diminished by the incompetent actions of his officials.

Washington better get its act together!

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