Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Debate on Debt Continues in Washington; Missing is Presidents Plan ?

A group of bipartisan senators called the "Gang of Six" have been crafting a proposal which would create $500 billion in savings, but require lawmakers in the coming months to reduce spending, overhaul Medicare, and Social Security, plus rewrite the tax code, generating close to a trillion in new revenues.

The bipartisan group of senators have been getting push back from members of their own parties, but the real question that has been missing during this entire debate is where is the President's own plan for reducing the nation's debt and raising the the debt ceiling?

The President has only given rhetorical speeches and condemned the other side, and so far has given little in the way of what is his plan for reducing the nations federal debt. Last December the President rejected input from his own debt commission, submitted a federal budget that increased the size of the federal debt, and failed to address any meaningful proposal for overhauling Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Once can dissect Republican plans to reduce the federal budget, but before the President gives flowery speeches criticizing the Republican plan he should submit his own proposal and then let the debate begin.

The nation needs less rhetoric from both Republicans and Democrats and start by solving the debt crisis they both helped to create!

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