Friday, July 1, 2011

U.S. Soldier Still Held by Taliban After Two Years

Last week President Obama announced he will begin troop withdrawals from Afghanistan, but one issue left unanswered is the whereabouts of U.S. Army Soldier Bowe Bergdahl. Bergdahl went missing on June 30, 2009, and days later it was reported that he was captured by the Taliban, as of right now little is known of his treatment and only sporadic information has been released by the Taliban.

Everyone seems more concerned with how detainee's at Guantanamo Bay are treated, but has anyone taken the time to find out how Bowe Bergdahl is being treated. Has the International Red Cross visited him? It seems everyone is more concerned with the treatment of detainee's then about this soldier.

As a nation, we will be celebrating the nations birth, but let's not forget our brave men and women serving in harm's way, and especially the family of Bowe Bergdahl.

Lets pray for the safe return of Bowe Bergdahl.

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