Thursday, July 28, 2011

Republicans and Democrats Heading the U.S. Over a Cliff

The on going debt debate in Washington has both Republicans and Democrats prepared to take the U.S. over an economic cliff just to preserve their own partisan agenda. Throughout this entire crisis each party has behaved in a despicable manner, all the while stating they are doing this for the America people, when in fact they are only serving themselves.

Republican's have to understand they only control one branch of government! In our constitutional system of government, one branch of government can not pass a budget without the Senate and eventually the President signing the budget. At some point you are going to have to compromise, otherwise you will force the U.S. to default on its debt obligations for the first time.

Democrats on the the other hand have acted just as stubborn as Republicans failing to understand that you will have to overhaul non-discretionary spending, which means reining in entitlement spending of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. You will never be able to meaningful reduce the federal debt without reforming social spending.

President Obama has acted less like a President and more like a partisan politician. While running for president in 2008, he repeatedly stated that he could bridge the partisan divide, well he has made matters worse. Throughout this debate the President has failed to deliver a budget or summit any written proposal on how he would reduce the federal debt. Too often the President has often resorted to partisan rhetoric and partisan warfare, then acting in any presidential manner.

What this country needs is for both parties to act in a bi-partisan manner and for the President to assert presidential leadership, other wise disaster is in store for the United States.

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