Friday, July 29, 2011

Where's the President?

Throughout the debt crisis in Washington, the one prevailing theme has been, where is President Obama? Even the New York Times has questioned the absence of the President at this crucial time. Since Monday's press conference, President Obama has been rarely seen or heard. Today, the President in a short statement mentioned that the GOP plan in the House has "no chance of becoming law," urging "bipartisan compromise" in the Senate.

The President has urged bipartisan compromise, unfortunately President Obama has resorted to partisan rhetoric, all the while failing to submit his own proposal. Throughout the process, the President has failed in presidential leadership, the budget he submitted in February, was soundly rejected by the Democratic controlled Senate 97-0. President Obama has even failed to address the federal debt, which is the basis for the crisis today, by failing to accept any recommendations from his own debt commission.

The one aspect that has been rarely reported, was last year when the Democrats controlled both the House and Senate failed to pass a budget, which was only resolved this spring. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid failed to increase the debt ceiling last December, instead decided to let the next Congress tackle this volatile issue.

All the while President Obama has provide very little leadership and only resorted to partisan politics and wanting to push the crisis forward until after the 2012 Presidential election. Hardly asserting presidential leadership.

It's time for the President to start providing leadership, instead of engaging in partisan politics.

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