Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oil Slick Threatening Gulf Coast

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will soon have ramifications for the president’s plan to expand offshore oil drilling. Much of the coverage has been muted, just focused on containing the clean up and little or no coverage on the president’s energy proposal.

This story has not received much coverage until recently, but would it be the same if President Bush had been in the White House? Remember the political backlash that accompanied his energy proposal in 2001, but when President Obama presented his energy plan that contained more drilling last month the condemnation from Congress and environmentalist was non-existent.

If this spill had occurred on President Bush’s watch the media firestorm would have been merciless and relentless with Congress outraged over his handling of the crisis. Would the entertainment industry be as forgiving or given a pass to President Bush as they have to President Obama?

This is the problem that I have the environmental community, they rail against one, but a free pass to ones they support. Why is it that we are supposed to protect the environment but they can live how they please?

The Academy Awards is a prime example of this. The biggest event in Hollywood had stars arriving in gas guzzling limousines treated like royalty how much energy they consume getting ready for the big event.

Before anyone complains about the environment that has major star power I want to first see how they live and conduct their lives, not just be stating I drive a Prius, but how do they live when away from the camera.

Let’s begin holding everyone to the same standard; of course that wouldn’t be amenable to one’s partisan view!

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