Wednesday, June 30, 2010

American Soldier Still Held Captive By Taliban after One Year

All last week attention was paid to the one year mark commemorating the passing of Michael Jackson, but where is the same type of remembrance for Private First Class Bowe Bergdahl who was captured by the Taliban one year ago today. Few if any media affiliates will even mention it, as all attention will be spent on the Gulf oil spil and the confirmation hearing of both General David Petreaus and Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. But what about Pfc. Bergdahl!

In the year since his capture only three videos have been released by the Taliban, but so far no one has actually seen him or spoke with him. Has the International Red Cross visited to check on his safety and condition? Everyone seems more concerned with how detainees are treated at Guantanamo Bay, but are American military personnel any different?

This weekend our country will celebrate the birth of the nation, and all the majority of the people will be thinking about is parade’s, barbeques, swimming, having fun with family and friends. As a nation, do we think of the thousands of men and women who are serving in harm’s way to protect our way of life. Having served in Iraq and Afghanistan I always think of friends currently serving in those countries in the sweltering heat, doing the work that most Americans are oblivious to.

Every fourth of July I reflect back on all those individuals who gave their lives for the cause of freedom and the sacrifices their families made on the later of liberty. Why is it as a nation we revere entertainers and athletes has hero’s but barely show a ripple for the real hero’s of this country; the men and women who serve in the armed forces of the United States.

Today, we should be united in support for the Bergdahl family and all they are going through waiting for word on the safety of their son. Let’s take the time and remember PFC Bergdahl and pray for his safe return!

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