Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Gen. McChrystal Called To Washington to Explain Anti-Administration Remarks

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top military commander in Afghanistan, has been summoned to Washington by President Obama to explain remarks he made in a magazine interview regarding administration officials involved in Afghanistan policy.

This week’s addition of Rolling Stone magazine has the story post titled “The Runaway General”. All this comes at time of growing congressional opposition of our continued commitment to the ongoing war in Afghanistan. Many of the anonymous quotes were by Gen. McChrystal and his aides and come at a difficult time, as the presidents Afghan surge is receiving negative support from the his own party.

President Obama appointed Gen. McChrystal to lead Afghan military operations after having fired Gen. David McKiernan, the first time a general had been relieved from a war time command since Gen. Douglas MacArthur was fired by President Truman during the Korean War.

Many of the aides that have been criticized will be at the meeting between the president and Gen. McChrystal. This in fact will not be the first time that the president has reprimanded the general. Last year the president dressed down the general over remarks he made in London which he criticized those who wanted a scaled back effort in Afghanistan, including Vice President Joseph Biden who advocated this approach.

Tomorrow meeting will very interesting and very tense; we will have to just wait and see.

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