Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Democrats, Republicans face angry electorate

The primary ends today in many states across the nation, for anxious challengers and incumbents the day of reckoning is at hand. Today, we will learn if the anger of the voters will play out. If it’s any indicator of previous elections the past few months it looks to be a long night for incumbents!

No matter how the votes are tallied the American people are in a hostile mood and want answers to the nation’s problems and not the words from duplicities we have been receiving from politicians of both parties.

The nation has problems of historic proportions and all we get is partisanship of the political parties who only enrich Democrat and Republican operatives at the expense of ordinary Americans. Voters want answers now and are in a foul mood if they don’t get the problems solved; politicians will be sent packing!

The Democratic Party came into power after the corrupt policies of the Republican Party, but all we got was another bankrupt political party more concerned in pushing a far left leaning agenda and enriching its own supporters. Basically America replaced one corrupt party with another!

President Obama came into office with a growing public support under the banner “Change we can believe in,” unfortunately his vision was government takeover of the economy. His policies have led to economic ruin, with the cure worse than the disease.

Washington doesn’t understand the private sector is the engine of economic growth not the government. Help small business and you help America. It seems both political parties are more concerned with helping their corporate sponsors than helping the American people.

To change government the American people have to get informed and take part and stop believing in snake oil salesman who tell them what they want to hear instead of what they know to be true.

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