Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where is the News on Afghanistan?

Recent week’s news coverage has focused on the Gulf Oil spill or the financial crisis that has gripped Europe and the United States. Whatever happened to coverage of Afghanistan? Currently a surge of U.S. forces into the region the past few months has led to more causalities as General Stanley McChrystal, the ground commander, initiates his counterinsurgency plan.

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates issued a public warning that public opinion in the United States would not tolerate the loss of more military personnel in Afghanistan if a strategic breakthrough is not achieved by the end of the year.
Many issues dominate the news, but let's remember that the nation is at war and that service personnel are still fighting a very capable enemy in Afghanistan.

The armed forces of the United States are engaging the enemy in some of the most unforgivable terrain in the world and doing an incredible job.

With U.S. forces fighting in Afghanistan more coverage should be given to what is going on not only when there is a bombing or the deaths of service personnel. What happened to coverage of the missing soldier in Afghanistan come this Fourth of July weekend will be spending one full year in captivity. Our troops deserve better!

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