Wednesday, June 23, 2010

President Orders McChrystal back to Washington

President Obama ordered General Stanley McChrystal back to Washington after the general and his aides made disparaging remarks of some top Obama officials. This places the president in a tough position with the gulf Oil spill, a stagnant economy, and the mid-term elections looming on the horizon. Probably the last thing he needed.

The president is left with two choices, he can overlook these remarks, or fire his chosen commander at a crucial point in the Afghan war. No matter what the president decides he is facing a difficult decision, as thousands of troops are positioning themselves for the long awaited military offensive into the Kandahar, which is the spiritual home of the Taliban.

Whatever course of action the president chooses will have far reaching ramifications not only in Washington, but in Afghanistan and with our NATO allies. The president is facing stiff opposition from members of his own party who want a swift de-escalation of the war and to bring the troops home.

The questions that everyone is asking is what will the president do?

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