Thursday, June 30, 2011

Partisan Politics Rears its Ugly Head in Debt Debate

Partisan bickering continues, and President Obama has jumped right into the caldron of the debate over the federal debt. Yesterday, President Obama's news conference was filled with more rhetoric as he continues to blame the other side instead of upholding the dignity of the office he holds.

The American people deserve better from Washington. Both sides placed the United States in this precarious situation and both sides have to work together to solve our mounting debt. If the President wants to be serious about debt reduction, then why hasn't he submitted his own plan on debt reduction or how to rein in the enormous cost of entitlement spending?

The Ryan plan offered by Republican Congressman Paul Ryan offers a Republican alternative, but so far the President has offered nothing! The President has even failed to accept one recommendation from his own debt commission.

Time is running short, but all we get is partisan warfare and both parties setting the stage for the 2012 presidential elections. Americans deserve better!

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