Thursday, March 11, 2010

Federal, State, & Local Government’s Threatening U.S. National Security

This may sound strange to many people how governments at all levels across this nation are a threat to the national security of this nation? The one area where the threat will imperil this nation and that is the constant over spending by government! Families are suffering, but government keeps spending at a record clip with no end in sight and eventually this will come to a crises point and bring the economy of this nation to its knees.

Every day reports continue to show mismanagement of the public’s money, but not for the good of the people but only to enrich their political standing. Today the LA times reported how country supervisors have a $27 million dollar fund set aside in the budget for their personnel use with no oversight or accountability on how its spent. This is at a time when government programs that have a direct benefit to the people they serve are being slashed.

At the national level, deals and kickbacks were given to different lawmakers to secure their votes in passing the Senate version of Health Care Reform. The stimulus package passed last year was give away to various politicians, groups and entities that had nothing to do with easing the financial crisis or jump starting the economy.

Every day new reports come out of Sacramento that highlights overspending, misappropriation of funding, even Columnist Dan Walters wrote of the abuse at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CALPERS) all at the expense of the taxpayers.

All levels of government use public funding for their own gain and to satisfy various constituents. The continuation of this unabated spending will imperil the economic security of this nation, and will continue to keep the nation from rebounding and improving the nation’s economy.

We have to hole elected officials at all levels accountable for their actions and stop blaming each other and get our nation’s financial health in order otherwise it will threaten the nations national security for generations.

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