Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Health Care Reform and National Security

You find it strange that you will find the current health care debate in the same sentence as national security, but both are intertwined in this debate. The reason for this is health care reform whatever form materializes will effect America’s national security, because presently a convincing argument hasn’t been made on how it will be funded as not adding to the growing national debt.

Currently the national debt has exploded and is now affecting the economic viability of this nation. Yesterday the president held a rally in Pennsylvania to gather support for his health care reform plan, but conspicuously missing was how the nation will pay for it.

Currently the plan is to have over $500 billion dollars reduced from Medicare and taxes raised on various Cadillac Health Insurance plans and with other revenue streams. The question then becomes what areas will be cut from Medicare and will the necessary taxes be raised from the various revenues needed to pay for health reform?

Too many times in the past Congress has devised spending and revenue options to pay for a particular proposal or reform legislation that has never meet its intended purpose and come far over budget. Each time Congress has been overly optimistic in its finance proposals. The stimulus is a great example, as Congress appropriated a certain amount only to find out it cost another $75 billion more than intended.

This time Congress and the president can’t be wrong! If they are, if their numbers don’t add up, if they don’t cut $500 billion from Medicare, and if the tax increases don’t materialize as advertised then we will be stuck with another unfunded entitlement program like Social Security and Medicare that is essentially broke and this will increase the national debt and threaten the economic security of this nation.

Let’ make sure Congress and the president tell us how they will pay for it, if we don’t then the consequences will be on us!

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