Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Debate Rages on; While Foreign Policy Languishes

Health care has consumed Washington and the media continues to report on the implications for what this means to the nation, but little coverage has been given to U.S. foreign policy.

First, In November of last year President Obama’s trip to China was effectively managed by the Chinese by getting him to make statements endorsing key policy areas of importance to the Chinese and then squelching any dissent on continuous issues. A potential trade war is brewing between both countries that will have devastating effects to the U.S. economy, especially the mounting national debt with China financing almost a trillion dollars worth of it.

President Obama has never stated a constructive view point on Iran’s nuclear ambition, each time he states that he would place sanctions on Iraq for its continued defiance if the world community, but consistently keeps moving the target date.

In December the president dispatched additional troops to Afghanistan as part of the surge strategy, but what has European nations contributed? The Dutch parliament voted to remove their forces from the country and France has sent only a token force.

Vice President Biden traveled to Israel this past month to try and jump start peace negotiations, and was humiliated by the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who announced increased settlements in East Jerusalem.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to Russia last week and was bombarded by complaints over trade and the U.S. continued insistence to sanction Iraq. Russia is cooperating with Iran in its bid to build a nuclear power plant. How will the president get China and Russia to impose sanction on Iraq when both hold veto powers in the U.S. security council and both currently are opposed to sanction?

A couple times the president had to delay his Asia trip to stay home and take care of issues regarding health care, what does this mean to our allies; especially Australia! Australia is one of our closest allies in the Pacific who has stood by this country and is fighting alongside U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

With all the attention by the media to health care real problems our brewing our foreign policy has been left to languish and only will come back to haunt this country.

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