Friday, March 5, 2010

National Debt Higher than White House Forcast

On Friday the Congressional Budget Office stated that President Obama’s proposed budget would add more than $9.7 trillion dollars to the national debt over the next ten years.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office produced much gloomier projections than reported by the White house and analyzed that the president’s budget request would add almost ten trillion to the national debt.

The time has come for this president and this congress has to stop blaming others for their fiscal irresponsibility’s and face reality that they are seriously impeding economic growth for the nation and saddling future generations with enormous debt.

We all know that the previous administration behaved recklessly in regard to the national debt, but this administration make the Bush Administration look saints in regard to fiscal responsibility. President Obama campaigned on bringing fiscal sanity to Washington, but all he brought was tax and spend mentality philosophy of governing.

The times has come for all agencies and departments to have a gut check and stop wasting the people’s money and bring rational spending back, unfortunately Washington knows only one way and that is to spend money!

One only has to look at the massive spending by Washington that has no rational for spending priorities, the only rational is to enrich Washington power brokers and there surrogates. Unit Washington gets a handle on wasteful government spending and prioritize spending it will impede the growth and the economy of this nation.

Both parties are complete in the fiscal meltdown of this nation and if left unchecked will bankrupt this country; one only has to look at California!!

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