Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whatever Happened to What was Good for America?

All through the health care debate a prevailing theme is emerging from both Democrats and Republicans is that you need to either vote for health care reform or not as it is good for our party. Whatever happened to what is good for America!

Democrats and Republicans seem hell bent on advancing their own legislation on not what is best for America but what is best for them. Too often legislation is passed or not passed that has dire consequences for the nation. The prescription drug plan passed in 2003 by Republicans was fatally flawed as it was not fully paid for and only added to the national debt.

Democrats were equally egregious by passing a stimulus package last year that only enriched Democratic power brokers. The current health care reform measure being debated is one that will have monumental consequences for this country.

The debate has only centered on what is best for both parties and not what is best for the country. No one has seriously asked what will the costs be of over time? Too often legislation is passed with the best of intentions or rammed through on straight party line votes that have unintended ramifications for the country.

This health care reform measure with all its kick backs to various members of Congress to secure its votes can’t be good for this country. When will Washington look after the interests of the people and not the interests of narrow minded special interest groups who do their bidding?

The passage of health care reform is not in the best interest of this nation and will only increase the national debt that will imperil the national security of this country by placing our economic well being in jeopardy!

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