Monday, March 29, 2010

Major Miltiary Command Reports that National Debt a Threat to U.S. Security

Health Care Reform has dominated the news at the expense of other national issues. Few if anyone paid attention to the study by the Joint Forces Command which analyzed threats to America. For the first time a segment was devoted to the explosion of our national debt and its impact on the security of this country.

Never before had a major military command give any consideration to the national debt as a security threat primarily leaving it as a domestic issue; until now! Washington has repeatedly paid lip service to controlling government spending, instead would rather play partisan politics in blaming each other for the mounting federal debt.

Republicans who only recently have been sounding the alarm as fiscal stewards, but when they were in charge of the government fiscal responsibility was the last thing they spoke about. The prescription drug plan passed by the Bush Administration was fatally flawed because it gave no indication how it would be paid for and it ended up driving up the cost of the federal debt.

President Bush first veto came five and half years into is presidency and that was over stem cell research. He did nothing to stem the rising cost of the federal deficit and only exacerbated the problem.

The Obama administration came into office with every intention in controlling the federal deficit, he campaigned religiously on the topic, but campaign rhetoric is one thing, doing something about it is another. His free spending will have him make President Bush a model of fiscal responsibility.

The Congressional Budget Office analysis last week stated the president’s budget plan increases government spending and does nothing to control spending. This is not even factoring the stimulus that past last year, all the bailouts to the banks, financial institutions, and the auto industry.

The president’s signature issues Health Care Reform is supposed to reduce the deficit as he keeps wildly touting from analysis by the CBO, but this is all assumptions! Last week Caterpillar, John Deere, AT & T and others have stated that the president’s health reform measure would raise their health care costs.

Unemployment across the country has risen as twenty seven states have seen unemployment rise, all this will continue to add to the mounting debt. Right now almost all states across the nation are reeling in budget red ink, but many of these states were mired in over indulgence of free spending and now are feeling its ramifications.

The Federal Government is freely spending money that it doesn’t have leaving us beholden to nations such as China to finance our debt.

Governments at all levels need to face reality and face the hard truth that families face across America by start living within their means! The nation’s future is at stake!

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