Monday, April 19, 2010

Financial Reform Coming to America

No sooner had the contentious political battle of health care reform put on the back burner then Washington now settling for another partisan political battle over financial reform. Washington vowed to prevent another financial meltdown of 2008, unfortunately it looks like partisan politics has reared its ugly head as Democrats have found an issue that they can stick it to Republicans.

Instead of crafting bi-partisan financial reform legislation Democrats have pursued the course of partisan politics which is great for the Democratic Party but horrible for the country. They know if Republicans oppose this legislation that will be seen as siding with Wall Street instead of Main Street.

What everyone fails to realize is both parties contributed to the financial meltdown, and both parties had received massive contributions from the financial sector. Take a look at Goldman Sachs and you will see both Republican and Democrats with their hands all over it. In 2008 both parties received massive amounts of contributions from Goldman Sachs and the same ones are now advocating reforming the financial sector.

All of us want financial reform, but not with partisan implications with it. This piece of legislation should not be what’s good for Democrats or Republican, but what’s good for America. Too often the parties place narrow minded self interests above the interests of the nation; no wonder the public doesn’t trust Washington!

If we want a repeat of the disastrous health care reform legislation then we are on our way!

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