Monday, April 5, 2010

National Debt At Crisis Level

Many times I have blogged about the threat the national debt poses to this country and I will continue to blog about until this nation get serious about tackling this monumental crisis which left unchecked will hamper the economic security of this nation.

President Obama lambasted Republicans all throughout the campaign for the White House in 08 and rightfully so. They were irresponsible and acted like they were drunken sailors sending the national debt to staggering heights.

Unfortunately President Obama came into office claiming to bring fiscal sanity to Washington, but he makes President Bush look like a fiscal steward as his policies have sent the national debt into the stratosphere. Money is doled out like he is playing monopoly with no plan in sight on how he would control spending.

All we get is it’s the other guys fault, give me time and we will set up commission on the matter! Time is running out! Last week little was made of two articles in the Newport News Daily Press on cost overruns of the Gerald Ford class carriers being built that totaled into the billions, or the millions of overruns into the millions on refurbishing the Enterprise Aircraft Carrier.

This nation cannot keep spending like this especially when foreign counties are financing our debt. Everyone should look what is happening in Greece and understand that it could happen here.

Majority of the states our broke not from the recession as lawmakers want you to believe, but by irresponsible government spending and it’s the taxpayer who is left paying for fiscal management at all levels of government.

Time is now to start reducing the debt, if lawmakers can’t or won’t reduce the debt get out of the way and let someone who will!

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