Monday, April 26, 2010

Immigration Reform Heats Up

The debate over immigration heated up after Arizona passed the strictest immigration law in the country. Once left to simmer until after November’s mid-term elections, Congress is left to debate this controversial issue.

This places the Obama Administration in a difficult situation entering into November’s mid-term election. While campaigning for the presidency then candidate Obama stated in his first year in office he would have comprehensive immigration reform signed into law. Unfortunately that campaign promise has come back to haunt this president.

The Hispanic community is outraged that nothing has been done on this volatile issue, after giving him overwhelming support in key battleground states; they fell let down! The biggest sticking point on this issue is amnesty!

There are roughly eleven million illegal immigrants in the country and the question becomes how do we solve this. One side is for giving them some sort of path toward citizenship and the other is totally against this. Whatever one feels on the issue you have to come up with a solution that will pacify both sides but with everyone playing politics with the issue that will be hard to do.

The Democrats and the president have boxed themselves in on this issue. In 2006 when the last time this issue was up for debate Democrats and Republicans criticized President Bush when he attempted immigration reform. Then Senator Obama was completely silent on the issue, now he has to make a decision.

The president needs to understand what leadership is, and that means you have to lead! So far he has ducked for cover!

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