Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl Still Held By Taliban

Will all the euphoria about the passage of health care legislation a soldier who was captured by the Taliban in July of last year still remains in captivity. The media has shown little interest in this story except when the occasional video pops up from the Taliban.

Once he was taken captive by the Taliban during the first weeks of July last year the media paid little attention as the focus was on more pressing news story; the death of Michael Jackson.

December of last year his capture again hit the news headlines because the Taliban released a video propaganda of Pfc. Bowe R. Bergdahl. Then again attention focused back to more pressing issues such as health care reform and Tiger Woods sex scandal.

It’s a tragedy that our brave men and women who serve this nation bravely are regulated to second tier status when celebrities are given royal treatment for shameless conduct. Why do the media consistently lavish praise or listen to voices of the entertainment industry but fail to give those serving in the armed forces the same status.

Often when the military are portrayed it’s someone who is disgruntled, suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Order, who is severely disabled or who died under traumatic circumstances.

Having served in both Iraq and Afghanistan I have witnessed the best this nation has to offer, many volunteer time and time again because they believe in the cause they are serving.You will never see positive images only the worst of the armed forces.

When this nation turns its back on its service members it’s turning its back on freedom!

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