Thursday, April 15, 2010

Holiday for the Government Pain for the Taxpayer

The dreaded day has arrived the one that is a holiday for government and pain for the taxpayer! Too often the American people see their taxes being sent to Washington and the various state governments only to see it sent into an economic sinkhole.

Washington right now is paying for the abuses of the past and it continues the reckless spending that has bankrupted the country. The country can’t continue the wasteful spending practices of our elected officials anymore!

All across the nation you are witnessing the implosion of government budgets, but you listen to politicians and they will always blame the financial crises. The financial crisis was not the cause it was the misguided spending practices by politicians of both political parties. Governments decry the Ponzi scheme of Bernie Madoff, but they acted in the same manner and it took the financial crisis to bring this to the surface.

California the nation’s most populace state and eighth largest economy in the world is virtually bankrupted. Instead of focusing on the budget or the $500 billion unfunded pension system, California politicians debate the most trivial matters that leave the states citizens unemployed and have businesses flee the state.

Each day media affiliates across the country report various waste, mismanagement and downright Enron style accounting that is sending this nation into the abyss of economic purgatory.

In the past month one major military command and a military graduate school listed the national debt as a serious national security threat to this nation. Washington fails to heed this threat to this country!

The longer we wait the peril to this country will be too great and we may not be able to right the U.S. economy if left unchecked!

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