Thursday, August 19, 2010

The End of Operation Iraqi Freedom

The last U.S. combat brigade crossed into Kuwait, officially bringing an end to the active combat phase of the war. Seven and half years after military operations overthrew the brutal regime of Saddam Hussein, and forever etched into the history books which would define the presidency of President George W. Bush.

History will be the final judge if this military intervention was necessary, or predicated on false assumptions by President Bush; right now the final chapter has yet to be written.

Before anyone passes judgment or looks through partisan lenses on U.S. intervention, one first has to take themselves back into time to the actions and statements of political leaders during this period. Remember both Vice President Joseph Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and countless other Democrats voted for the war. Read the statements of those who voted for the war, then later condemned the war stating they were mislead.

Read what they said before they voted for the war. One only has to look at the war through objective lenses and not through partisan glasses. History will be the final judge!

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