Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Iran’s Nuclear Ambition Closer to Reality

Over the weekend Russian and Iranian engineers started loading fuel into the Russian built nuclear power plant in the Southern Iranian port city of Bushehr, which should be complete by September.

The startup of the Bushehr nuclear plant is feeding worries about Iran's nuclear agenda and talk about whether sanctions are failing, which has become a serious below to the Obama administrations re-engagement with America's adversaries.

Once President Obama assumed the presidency, he articulated his administration would break with the past of ending confrontations with adversaries of the United States, if they unclench their fist we will begin a dialogue of trust and understanding.

In trying to halt Iran's nuclear ambitions we have seen sanctions imposed in name only. The Russians continue to assist the Iranians in its nuclear quest while the Chinese still continue to do business, and each day Iran is closer to becoming a nuclear state.

The president seriously has to reevaluate his Iran policy and stop blaming the past administration, who may of not been liked, but at least was respected in the Middle East for his hard line policies. This administration is seen as weak in minds of the leaders in Iran. Too often the president makes idle promises that simply are hollow words with no teeth.

The president has to be careful, his actions or lack thereof, could bring the situation with Iran spiraling out of control, with Israel taking military action to protect their safety. If that happens, a regional war is inevitable.

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