Monday, August 16, 2010

Gen. Petraeus; Afghan War Strategy Fundamentally Sound

The campaign has begun to convince the American public that continued presence in Afghanistan is worth the effort, despite the various setbacks and challenges which confront U.S. forces.

General David Petraeus, who has recently been interviewed on various national media affiliates, has repeated the mantra against any hasty withdrawal which would under mine regional stability and allow Al-Qaeda a return to Afghanistan to conduct terror attacks against the west and the United States.

On Sunday's NBC's "Meet The Press'" Gen. Petraeus left open the possibility and would recommend against the withdrawal of U.S. forces, depending on how the war was proceeding.

This will be an intense political battle which will get more partisan, leading up to December when the Afghan assessment of the surge is released, and to the July 31, 2011 when U.S. forces are to begin drawing down in Afghanistan.

The real problem is the president has to use his rhetorical skills and consistently explain to the American people why the U.S. needs to stay in Afghanistan, and the implication to the region and beyond if we withdraw prematurely. President Obama has to stop listening to his base who are against military operations in Afghanistan and want the troops to begin coming home.

Right now both political parties are playing partisan politics with the war, only looking to this fall's mid-term and presidential election of 2012. The armed forces deserve better from our elected officials!

Let's hope they understand the consequences of their actions, but I am not betting on it!

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