Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Marine Commandant Says Afghan Deadline May Help Taliban

General James Conway, Commandant of the Marine Corps, stated yesterday that President Obama's July 2011 deadline for withdrawing troops from Afghanistan was "probably giving our enemy sustenance."

The statement by General Conway should come as no surprise to anyone who follows the war in Afghanistan. When President Obama announced his troop surge into Afghanistan in December 2009 at the West Point Military Academy, he placed the withdrawal date to appease his liberal base.

The president was speaking to many different audiences that night and the one audience he was speaking to was his liberal base, who are against any troop surge into Afghanistan, and want the troops to come home now!

Partisan politics has again seeped into defense strategy! During the presidency of George W. Bush, Democrats consistently included then Senator Obama, who railed against the president for taking his eye of the ball and focused on Iraq instead of Afghanistan. Now that one of their own is president they have changed their tune.

How ironic that President Obama, who was against President Bush and General Petraeus surge strategy in Iraq, has now embraced his strategy in Afghanistan. It's time both Republicans and Democrats stop the partisanship in regard to U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and fight this war! The troops deserve better!

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