Tuesday, August 31, 2010

President to Address Iraq Tonight

The final chapter has yet to be written in Iraq, but tonight President Obama will address the nation letting the American people know that he kept a campaign promise of removing U.S. combat troops from Iraq.

Everyone has an opinion on the Iraq intervention, pundits and policy makers will debate this for years to come, but history will render the final judgment. The U.S. can win the war but lose the peace, as Iraq struggles to establish a functioning government.

The president will address the nation on how the last combat troops have left the country, but will he mention what role the 50,000 U.S. troops who remain will play? How will the U.S. participate in establishing a functioning government in Iraq?

Too much is at stake for the U.S. to just abandon Iraq at this critical juncture. The U.S. needs to stay engaged in the process. Currently the president has his Vice President as the point person on Iraq, but has this arrangement achieved meaningful results.?

The president can use all the flowery rhetoric he wants in his speech tonight, but he has to be fully engaged in the process, just like he needs to be engaged in Afghanistan. Interest is high regarding what the president says tonight!

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