Monday, August 23, 2010

Vice President Speaks on Iraq

Vice President Joseph Biden delivered a speech before a Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Indianapolis which is a prelude to when the president addresses the nation next week on Iraq before the last combat troops leave on August 31st.

Many in the United States and especially Congress just want to forget Iraq and move to other issues, leaving Iraq as the forgotten war. Unfortunately Iraq has strategic national security interests for this country and if left unresolved will be a strategic liability for the United States.

Right now Iraq has failed to coalesce around one leader five months after their election. The U.S. can't impose its will on on Iraq, but the U.S. can help them achieve governmental organization with one that proves Sunni and Shi'ite can govern together. The U.S. must be engaged in the process, the problem the administration and Congress have pretty much washed their hands of Iraq and would rather blame the previous administration then work to achieve stability.

There is till much to do in Iraq before we can claim success, but the U.S. still has to be engaged in the process. When the president addresses the nation he has to be straight with the American people on what is at stake not blame what has happened in the past, instead focus on the future.

The partisan politics of Iraq strategy has to end if we are to be successful!

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