Monday, January 24, 2011

The Battle Over the Federal Debt

The debate rages on how President Obama and the GOP will reduce the federal debt, and at the same time grow the stagnant U.S. economy.

This week the president will lay out his plan in Tuesday's annual State of the Union address to the nation highlighting his plan for the coming year, even as both parties plan for the presidential election next year.

Both parties will have to make major decisions in reducing defense spending and entitlement reform. Without major overhaul to both, the nation will never be able to rein in the enormous federal debt.

This is where the political warfare will begin, as both parties and the president will be looking at how this plays to voters in 2012. The stakes are high, as the nation is still reeling from the comatose U.S. economy, where unemployment has been stuck above 9% for almost two years.

The president has to lead and not keep blaming the previous administration when his own policies have failed to revive the U.S. economy. Republicans have to show that they are serious, and have a plan on how to jump start the economy without further increasing the federal debt.

The American people want jobs not partisan warfare.

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