Tuesday, January 25, 2011

President Addresses the Nation Tonight

Tonight President Obama addresses the nation in the annual State of the Union Address. This comes at a pivotal time for the president, and much different than last year when Democrats overwhelmingly controlled both the Congress and the Senate. Now the president is facing a Republican dominated Congress and a substantially reduced Democratic majority in the Senate.

Pundits will be debating and dissecting every word and phrase that the president utters this evening. The real question is not what the president articulates tonight, but what his actions are after the speech.

President's always give lofty grandiose speeches, but it's their actions that really matter. In the coming months we will begin to see the intent of the president's actions when he unveils his budget. The ensuing battle will begin over reducing the size of the federal budget, and the dreaded battle over raising the debt ceiling will continue to be a heated topic.

The American people will be listening to a different message, they want to know how the president will begin reducing the nation's unemployment rate and get the U.S. economy moving again.

Jobs are on the public's mind, and little else.


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