Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Chinese President Hu Jintao Arrives in U.S.

Today Presidnet Hu Jintao of China will arrive in Washington to meet with President Obama and be treated to a State dinner usually set aside only for close allies.

The past year witnessed numerous clashes with the Chinese over trade, currency, North Korea and the South China Sea. President Hu is trying to damper fears of what China's intentions are as its power rises on the global scene.

President Obama will be focusing on China's human rights record, this after China refused to allow Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo who was awarded the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize to attend because he is under house arrest in China.

Trade and China's currency devaluation policy will be huge part of discussions during the visit as China's currency policy makes Chinese exports cheaper but U.S. exports more expensive. Trade will be another source of contention between the two countries and it will be interesting to see how the Obama administration handles this topic.

Another issues is America's ballooning federal debt much of it financed by the Chinese, this is the one area where America needs to address if it still wants to remain the leader in global economics.


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